• Simplenote

    今天总算没有让自己失望,回家后没有马上就开始玩游戏,而是看起了书。接着整理了下之前没有好好做完了的项目,理了理思路,于是便想把一些想法记录下来,这些碎片记录在博客上,当然是不好的。Evernote客户端越做越重,早就不想用了,所以我想到了之前池大推荐的Day One。没想到打开App Store没多久,就被我发现了Automattic家的Simplenode,光看名字就知道这个APP主打简单,打开使用了一会儿,发现这确是我要的东西。

  • Draw a Standard National Flag of China

    I had written the codes to draw five-pointed star serveral days ago. So, when I came to so boring today, an idea come up, maybe I could draw a China flag using those codes. After hours work(pardon me if you thought I am inefficient). I had drawn the flag of Great China, I admit that I was so excited that moment.

  • Draw the Five-Pointed Star

    I am fucking disappointed about myself.I had made the decision about two months age that I should spend at least half an hour at my personal project, even the documents related is Ok. But finally I was lost.I spent a lot of my spare time to play Starcraft 2, watch movies and play with my lovely girlfriend.Really, that’s not good enought. Practice about my programming skills is absolutelly neccessary while I am hating the disgusted work what I am doing.

    So it’s very glad to say I am already back today. This drawing work is inspired by the “Star level board” which using numbers of star to present the Level of soldiers I did in the game project for my current company, I just consider that why could I draw the stars myself. So, here I am. After hours working, I finally draw the stars out. Thank god, I am not the fucking old to write code!

    Here’s the screen shot for star drawing.

  • Gitblog.io

    Gitblog.io is really fucking awesome, I found it just now. What it dose really attract me a lot. I think maybe it’s time for me to write My own fucking blog, I have thought this for a really long time, this time should be the absolutely fucking right to start!!! with this awesome web APP!!! Thank you so much, the producer of Gitblog.io!!!